1: Reconciliation through the lens of decolonising the bible

Leader: Tedroy Powell; Venue: Main Conference Hall (not the Derbyshire Hall but the stand-alone hall)

If Reconciliation is the core of the Gospel, how and to what extent is the decolonisation of the biblical text essential?

2: Reconciliation through a womanist practical theological lens

Leader: Tessa Henry Robinson; Venue: Derbyshire meeting room 7

In this seminar my focus is on the experiences of Black and other ethnically-minoritised women in the context of my denomination. The women’s particular experiences of “womanness” and their psychological and social well-being, highlight embodiment questions of identity and diversity, such as: who am I?, to what do I belong?, and so on. The term “embodiment” is important here and I employ embodiment thinking from the perspective of womanist practical theology, to argue that the way the Church treats with the raced bodies of ethnically-minoritised women, can either get us to a place of reconciliation or assist us in maintaining an insider outsider status quo. To discuss this, I introduce the concept of ‘insiders-without’ which is a term coined by me for the UK context. This term was inspired by Patricia Hill-Collins (1999) to describe the experiences of Black and brown people in US context.

3: Renew Wellbeing – setting up and maintaining simple spaces of reconciliation and hope

Leader: Ruth Rice; Venue: The Tissington Room (Lakeside, ground floor)

In this seminar Ruth Rice will outline how simple, safe, sustainable spaces promoting wellbeing habits and prayer rhythms can be run by any church and bring reconciliation within communities, hope to those who are isolated and better mental wellbeing for all. The charity Renew Wellbeing which has over 140 wellbeing spaces nationally started with Ruth’s own story of brokenness and her need to attend to her wellbeing and deepen her own prayer life. This basic, simple, honest approach allows the church to be broken and just show up slow down and pray, offering spaces to learn from one another about the wonderful gospel of wellbeing and what it looks like in practice.

4: Reconciliation and interfaith relationships

Leader: Inderjit Bhogal; Venue: Derbyshire meeting room 2

This workshop will draw on personal engagement and experience in interfaith relationships and understandings of reconciliation.

5: Just Scripture – Global South theologians in conversation

Workshop leaders: Justin Thacker (Christian Aid) and Heidi Damon (Tearfund); Venue: Derbyshire meeting room 5

In this workshop, Christian Aid and Tearfund help us explore the question of economic inequality using a contextual bible study approach. We will listen to Christian Aid and Tearfund theologians from Kenya and Ecuador discuss the relevance of James 5:1-6, and then will all explore the passage together. In the process our focus will be on how this approach can transform both ourselves and the communities with which we partner.

6: Reconciling racial and climate justice

Workshop leader: Sarah-Jane Nii-Adjei supported by Lisa Adjei, both from Christian Aid; Venue: Derbyshire meeting room 8

This workshop will explore how the Church should respond prophetically and practically to the call for racial justice to be at the heart of our pursuit for climate justice.

7: The Toolkit and A Flexible Framework: the richness of ecumenical possibilities locally

Workshop leaders: Philip Brooks, David Evans, Leão Neto, Jan Nowotnik, Akpo Onduku and Hilary Treavis; Venue: The Chapel

This workshop will have a focus on living with the effects of Covid and its impact on local ecumenism. We will explore how the ideas behind A Flexible Framework for Local Unity in Mission and itsToolkit can help us live with the brokenness of the broken church and how local ecumenical relations can contribute to its healing. We will engage with the themes of the Flexible Framework and consider examples of how the Toolkit is being used to effectively enhance ecumenical reconciliation in local contexts.

8: Inter-generational reconciliation: listening to the ‘missing generation’

Workshop leader: Victoria Turner with other young adults; Venue: Derbyshire meeting room 3

How is it possible to hold a Christian identity as a liberal, left-wing, justice conscious young person today? This workshop will include discussions around the views of young people being silenced and dismissed (discussion of ‘woke’) in hierarchical structures, how spaces for young people are being removed from our historic denominations and will include historical and theological reflection (especially Bonhoeffer and Andrew Root) to explain why young people are so passionate about their faith and equally passionate about upholding their political beliefs. How can the Churches respond to help reshape them for a time in post-Christendom? The workshop will include contributions from young adults who will share their particular passion and its connection with their faith.

9: Discord and harmony reconciled: music as progressive dialogue

Workshop leaders: Kevin Huggett (Forum music co-ordinator), Anton Muller and Ben Aldous; Venue: The Writing Room (Main House, ground floor)

“Scholars in international relations and peace studies have pointed to the prime importance of dialogue in building peace. … ‘Dialogue’ is frequently discussed in highly theoretical terms without an in-depth consideration of practical challenges. … music can serve as an important form of dialogue for pursuing peace.” (International Journal of Peace Studies, Volume 16, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2011,
Creating a musical dialogue for peace, Lesley Pruitt)

This workshop is a chance to enter into an experimental piece of performance art using different voices and instruments. Bring your instrument and voice along and join us in this workshop as we explore the reconciling power of music together. No musical experience needed to take part in this workshop, just enthusiasm!

10: A broken God: hope for all

Facilitated by the Focolare Movement: Elisabeth Hachmöller, Cathy Limebear, Callan Slipper, Martin Smith, Kirsty Thorpe (an interchurch cooperation – Anglican, Catholic, Moravian, and URC); Venue: The Derwent Room (Main House first floor)

Stories, reflections, discussions, and sharing combine in this session to help us explore insights from the spirituality of unity for our day-to-day ecumenism. The key question is how we welcome the gift of Jesus’ work on the cross and find deep communion with God and one another. Can this offer a vision of Christian unity, rooted in spiritual experience, that heals the divisions among Christians so we can reach out as the living body of Christ and give hope to the world?

11: Beyond mercy: reconciling social justice with social action

Workshop leader: Mike Royal; Venue: The Derbyshire Hall

In this seminar we would explore the idea that ‘the church’ needs to engage with structural change & address systemic sin and not just deliver social action; clearing up the mess left by failed statutory services. It demands us to adopt the disposition of a ‘critical friend’ as well as partner with statutory agencies. This is particularly relevant as church volunteers have stretched to breaking point during the pandemic, with the needs that present themselves in the local community.