Start the conversation for World Suicide Prevention Day, 10 September

Ascension Trust CEO, Bejoy Pal, asks how could your church 'Change the narrative' for those at risk from suicide?

The World Health Organisation estimates that every year more than 700,000 people take their own life and many more people attempt suicide. In the UK, 115 people die by suicide every week (Office for National Statistics); that is more than 5000 people a year.

Every single suicide is a tragedy that impacts families, friends, colleagues, and entire communities and has devasting and long-lasting effects on the people left behind.

Since 2003 the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) have marked 10 September as World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) with the 2024 theme being Change The Narrative. But for us to do this, we need to recognise that each individual has a story that needs to be told and to be heard. Individuals considering suicide need people to show up where they are, to reach out, and to be a listening, caring and helpful presence.

The Ascension Trust equips churches and individuals to take a step of faith and be present in these spaces. Through initiatives such as Street Pastors, Rail Pastors and Bridge Watch; our teams have been actively listening to people’s stories and then sharing hope and helping them to find a reason to keep living. Earlier this year, our team in Coventry was greeted by a young man who said “thank you”. Twelve months before he was suicidal and the way the team listened and engaged with him enabled him to turn his life around. Now he is working at the local hospital and thriving.

Street Pastors talking to homeless people
Street pastors ‘starting the conversation’. Caring, listening and helping when and where they are needed.

Our newest initiative, Bridge Watch, was launched in December 2023 in London. It helps prevent suicide by those who are considering entering into the River Thames from the bridges. Since it began, a trained team of volunteers has intervened more than 30 times to help people take a step back from the edge.

Rail Pastors, launched in Barnet in 2014, works on platforms and railway stations across the UK, to look for anyone vulnerable and at risk of suicide. On one occasion, Rail Pastors were able to connect with a lady over a shared love of Bob Marley and reminded her of the joy that is available in this world.

But all of these engagements had two things in common:

  1. People were present for those who needed help in the place and at the time when help was needed.
  2. A simple conversation started with “Hello, I’m here to listen, how can I help?”

John 10:10 in the NIV states: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

We would love to encourage you to think this WSPD and beyond, where do you need to start the conversation? Where can you help change the narrative for someone? How are you being convicted to usher in the fullness of life that Jesus promises all of us?

For more information about the work of the Ascension Trust and how our initiatives work through local churches to make a difference and help build the Kingdom, then please visit our website or contact us by email.

Ascension Trust is a Charity and Network in Association with Churches Together in England.