Do you have a passion to reduce loneliness and social isolation among older people?

Do you have experience or skills which could be applied to a charity making a difference across the UK?

This role could be for you………

Linking Lives UK is looking for Trustees including a Chair of Trustees to join existing board members to plan for the future. They are particularly looking for those with the following experience, skills and passion:

  • Personal awareness of issues relating to loneliness and social isolation
  • Engagement and experience within the Christian faith sector across the UK

Linking Lives is at a key stage in its development in addressing issues in relation to loneliness and social isolation. They have set some ambitious targets for the coming year which include:

  • Establishing 5 ‘Two’s Company Befriending’ schemes
  • Delivering 24 training co curses for 500 volunteers operating in community settings
  • Running 12 monthly webinars focusing on loneliness and social isolation
  • Developing a nationwide presence Wales and Northern Ireland
  • Creating a national chaplaincy initiative
  • Developing two new service delivery models addressing loneliness.

As a Christian charity, Linking Lives believes that God has created us to be in relationship with one another and as a result, loneliness is not part of His ideal design. The Bible highlights this: ‘A defender of widows is God in His holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families’

If you share Linking Lives passion for addressing these issues and have the skills and experience necessary for these roles, use the details below indicating whether you are interested in a Trustee or the Chair of Trustees role.

Information Pack available from Jeremy Sharpe – [email protected] or 07970 100131

Linking Lives UK is a Charity and Network in Association with Churches Together in England.