The Charities and Networks in Association with Churches Together in England (CTE) include an extensive range of different organisations.
View our full directory below.
You can also read more about CTE’s Charities and Networks in Association here.
The Charities and Networks in Association with Churches Together in England (CTE) include an extensive range of different organisations.
View our full directory below.
You can also read more about CTE’s Charities and Networks in Association here.
A Rocha UK is a Christian charity working to equip Christians and churches to protect and restore the environment – for God, nature and all people. We aim to inspire individuals and families, equip churches and church leaders, build partnerships and manage land for nature and people.
In the face of accelerating climate change and species loss, we need more than ever to take action to protect and care for nature today.
Twitter: @ARochaUK
Facebook: /Arochaorguk/
ACAT’s goal is to mobilise and bring together Christians of all denominations to stamp out the evil of torture. We pray, write appeals and urge governments and authorities to end the torture and abuse of human beings. By exposing torture we can end it. We can improve conditions of detention and help achieve the release of prisoners who are often innocent of any known criminal offence. It is vital work. We also believe it is God’s Will.
Twitter: @acatmedia
When so many people need so much help giving to charities and good causes can sometimes feel overwhelming and hard. Acts 435 puts people who want to help in touch with people who are in need, through a network of churches and local charities. Acts 435 enables virtual, online giving for specific needs.
The Arthur Rank Centre is an ecumenical national charity, which resources, trains, and advocates for rural Christians, rural churches and the communities they serve. Our vision is of confident rural Christians, encouraged to engage in effective mission and ministry.
Since 1972, the Arthur Rank Centre has served both the spiritual and practical needs of the rural community through hundreds of resources for rural churches, including a comprehensive range of worship resources and rural stories, ideas and inspiration though our magazine, Country Way. Our highly popular Rural Ministry Course has been running for over 30 years.
Twitter: @ArthurRankCent
Facebook: /ArthurRankCentre/
Ascension Trust is a Christian inter-denominational organisation with a passion to empower individuals to work together within their local community and nation, to contribute positively to society and to improve the quality of life of the disadvantaged and vulnerable.
Twitter: @ascensiontrust
Facebook: /ascensiontrust
ACAT is the national support charity for Church Treasurers. Established in 1995, ACAT’s aim is to help advance the Christian message by promoting efficiency and effectiveness within Christian churches and organisations. ACAT provides this support by way of a comprehensive Handbook, and by giving advice, training and information on accounting, financial, legal and related issues.
Twitter: @ACATtweets
Facebook: /The-Association-of-Church-Accountants-and-Treasurers
AIF offers a support network, nationally and locally, for families in which one partner is usually Roman Catholic and the other a Christian of another Communion. It gives a voice for such couples and families, as they seek to make their pastoral needs known within the churches, as well as making a vital contribution to the growing together of the churches.
Twitter: @interchurchfam
Facebook: /Interchurchfamilies
AtaLoss helps bereaved people find support and wellbeing. Our vision is that no bereaved person in the UK should be left floundering or alone and unable to find support when they need it. We want there to be universal routine referral so that everyone can find timely, appropriate and effective support in the interests of their mental and physical health as well as practical, financial, social and spiritual wellbeing.
Twitter: @AtaLosscharity/
Facebook: /AtaLosscharity/
In some parts of the world, the Scriptures are difficult to access or are simply unavailable. In this country, the Bible is readily available but has lost its significance and its value is unrecognised by millions.
We’re working hard here at home and in key areas across the world to change this. We take the Bible and find ways to translate and distribute it, create digital formats, advocate for its place in society and help people relate to and make sense of it in their everyday lives.
All our efforts are driven by one conviction: we believe that when people engage with the Bible, lives can change – for good.
Twitter: @biblesociety
Facebook: /BibleSociety
Breaker’s Anointing Ministries (BAM) has launched a program called ‘Working Together To End Homelessness’ that helps provide housing for the homeless and assists them to find work.
Additionally, the program works with Institutions that provide support services for those struggling with mental health issues. The program also connects its clients with housing benefit advisors and other social programs offered by social services. BAM expects to be able to expand the service to providing free items such as bedding, clothing, blankets and footwear, hot meals, to the homeless still sleeping on the streets.
The BAM homeless program works in close partnership with the Green Pastures organization and therefore as part of their extensive network the ministries presence is known in Bradford, Newport, Manchester, Barking, Bolton, Sheffield, Dartford, Cardiff, London and Dundee.
BRF Ministries is the home of Anna Chaplaincy, Living Faith, Messy Church and Parenting for Faith. As a Christian charity, we inspire, equip and support people of all ages to grow in faith.
Twitter: @brfcharity
Facebook: /brfcharity
The Deutsche Evangelische Kirchentag (DEK) has its origins in 1949 at the end of an Evangelical Week in Hannover (remember that evangelisch in German means Protestant). It was begun by Reinhold von Thadden-Trieglaf as a lay movement and an “organisation in perpetuity”, following the isolation of the church from the state during the Nazi era. The purpose was to “draw together Protestant Christians in Germany in order to strengthen them in their faith, to prepare them for responsibility in their churches; to encourage them in witnessing in the world; and to have solidarity with those in the world-wide community of Christendom.”
We are grassroots Christians from all sorts of traditions who have grasped the value of working together for the Kingdom of God.
We return from meetings, regional or international, buzzing with ideas and a thrist to develop church life, where we are in our own place of worship or on our local ecumenical scene.
Join us and our encounters with Christians and others across Europe and beyond permeate our spiritual outlook and responses.
The British Trust for Tantur was set up in July 1970 to support the work of the Tantur Institute for Ecumenical Studies in Jerusalem known as Tantur. The vision for Tantur was Pope Paul VI’s in the wake of the Second Vatican Council. The Vatican acquired the strategic site (between Jerusalem and Bethlehem situated now very close to the Separation Barrier) and the Pope requested the Catholic Universities of the USA to fund the building of a Centre. Tantur celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2013. Over the years it has received significant administrative and financial support from the Catholic University of Notre Dame in the United States. The British Trust has two of its Trustees serving on the Tantur International Ecumenical Advisory Board.
Christians on Ageing – official name Christian Council on Ageing – is a voluntary, national, ecumenical member-based organization. It is a resource to the Churches and to other bodies and individuals concerned with the needs, especially the spiritual needs, of all older people.
Christian Education provides Christian resources for use by individuals, families and churches. We seek to serve the widest range of Christian tradition in the UK and beyond, promoting an open and inclusive approach.
Our online shop includes products from other publishers which we feel offer something different, as well as good value for money.
Since its inception in 1883 the Christian Police Association has supported the Police. We are an Association of Christians who are Police officers and staff members, CPA Friends and Community Partners of the Police Service. We are a registered Charity and we are free to join. Today there is a branch of the CPA in the majority of the Police Services of the United Kingdom and we have contacts throughout the world.
The CPA was the first of a number of charities set up by our founder, an amazing woman called Catherine Gurney OBE.
The pressures on members of the Police Service today are greater than ever. We care about this situation and we want to support our colleagues, whether or not they have faith, and be there for them in times of need. We do that in many ways and regularly work closely with other charities, organisations and staff support associations to ensure all police officers and staff are supported.
Twitter: @uk_cpa
Facebook: /ChristianPoliceAssociation/
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a Christian charity that equips UK churches in serving the community and showing God’s love to others. We empower them to provide free debt help and local community groups that are tackling poverty at the root.
Twitter: @CAPuk
Christians Aware is an international and interdenominational educational charity working to develop multicultural and interfaith understanding and friendship locally, nationally and internationally. Its aim is to work for justice, peace and development. The focus is on listening to encourage awareness and action.
It does this with a programme of special interest groups, conferences, international exchanges, work-camps, books and the magazine. ‘Travel with Awareness’ is a book of guidance for the international visits which are often to places where there are or have been situations of conflict, such as Palestine, Israel and Rwanda. Groups also visit places where there are acute development needs, including primary health care, education and water harvesting.
Twitter: @C_Aware
Facebook: /faithawarenessleicester
Christians in Media is a UK network and community that supports, encourages and inspires Christians who work in, and with, media. As a profession, the Media holds the highest influence in our country. As Christians in this arena, we are charged with holding integrity – presenting the truth without bias or agenda, while holding firm to our Biblical beliefs and convictions. In a fast-moving culture, where the truth often appears capricious, remaining rooted in faith can be a deeply challenging place to be. Christians in Media meet the challenge created by this clash of culture. Our growing network brings Storytellers together as a community of Christian professionals in both secular and religious media.
Twitter: @CI_mediaUK
Facebook: /groups/1876192156037152
Church Action on Poverty is a national ecumenical Christian social justice charity, committed to tackling poverty in the UK. We work in partnership with churches, and with people in poverty themselves, to tackle the root causes of poverty.
We put gospel values of justice and compassion into practice.
We know that the real experts on poverty are the people who live with it. Our work is driven by their insights and experiences. We help them to make their voices heard.
We speak truth to power, campaigning nationally and locally for policies that will loosen the grip of poverty on people’s lives.
Twitter: @churchpoverty
Facebook: /churchpoverty/
We are a community of people who have been set free to follow God’s call in mission. Thousands of people from all walks of life are part of Church Mission Society – praying, learning and acting together in pursuit of that call.
We believe every Christian – and ultimately every person – is called to join in God’s mission and has the potential to bring challenge, change, hope and freedom to the world.
We all have a part to play.
Twitter: @cmsmission
Facebook: /churchmissionsociety
Instagram: @churchmissionsociety
Facebook: /ChurchesCommunityWorkAllianceccwa/
Churches Mutual is a mutual society, a savings and loans co-operative owned and controlled by its members.
It is an ecumenical collaboration between the Church in Wales, the Church of England, the Church of Scotland, the Methodist Church of Great Britain, the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, and in Scotland, the Scottish Episcopal Church and the United Reformed Church.
All credit union members should share a common bond, in the case of Churches Mutual it is that they are lay or ordained ministers, employees or trustees associated with one of our partner churches. This includes local, regional and national church institutions, denominational charities, voluntary aided schools and diocesan academy trusts.
It is run by a small but professional staff and governed by a volunteer board, which includes accountants, clergy, former regulators and experienced businessmen and women drawn from the participating denominations.
Churches are jam-packed full of potential and Cinnamon can help to release it. Each year we interact with more than 1,000 local churches the length and breadth of the UK and Ireland. We conduct research, provide advice, deliver training courses and help churches start social action projects that transform their communities.
Twitter: @cinnamonnetwork/
Facebook: /CinnamonNetwork/
We’re a network of preachers drawn together by a shared belief that good preaching matters.
Our members come from many different Christian denominations and traditions. We exist to help encourage, equip and refresh preachers in their preaching ministry – through resources, events and training.
Twitter: @CollofPreachers
Facebook: /collegeofpreachers/
Community Money Advice (CMA) is a national charity committed to supporting churches and community groups who have a passion to help people overcome their money problems. CMA provides all the resources, training and support needed to establish and maintain local, free, face to face money advice services.
Each year, our centres help thousands of people, from all walks of life, escape from the blight of indebtedness by providing free, unconditional, fully confidential advice and practical support. Our fully trained Debt Advisers and Money Mentors offer advice specific to each client’s needs and they give as much time and support as required, in order to help the client become debt free, whilst working towards financial stability. During the advice process, clients will also be taught budgeting and money management skills, to ensure they have control over their finances, enabling them to remain debt free in the future.
Facebook: /communitymoneyadvice
Jesus is at the heart of what we do. As a Christian charity we respond to God’s call to love our neighbour and care for the poor. Whilst Christ’s love motivates us, we help children and families from all backgrounds, regardless of belief.
Twitter: @compassionuk
Facebook: /compassionuk
Corrymeela has a residential centre on the north coast of Ireland that hosts over 11,000 people a year, as well as a lived community of volunteers and staff. Corrymeela also has a dispersed community of over 150 members who commit to living out Corrymeela’s principles of reconciliation in their own communities. Corrymeela’s programme staff travel to work with school and community groups throughout Northern Ireland, as well as hosting groups on site.
Facebook: /Corrymeela
The Ecumenical Marian Pilgrimage Trust brings together Christians from each of Britain’s Christian traditions in honour and witness of Christ the Word incarnate, born of the Virgin Mary. Each year, a pilgrimage is arranged to explore the riches of the faith that unites us from the perspective of our Anglican, Catholic, Evangelical, Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Reformed traditions, experiencing each other’s worship and reflecting on presentations, talks and devotions from our rich spiritual patrimonies, as we pray and hope for unity. Every other year we go to Walsingham for a few days. In alternate years we spend a day at some other place where Mary’s prayerful presence has also been significant for Christians and ‘prayer has been valid’ in the past and to the present day.
Embracing Age is a Christian charity working towards a world where older people are valued, connected and full of hope, by combatting loneliness, mobilising volunteers, equipping churches and speaking out.
Twitter: @embracingage
Facebook: /EmbracingAgeUK/
Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer is a huge Christian landmark. It will sit in the heart of the UK by the end of 2023. The gigantic monument of hope will host a million accounts of answered prayer, making it the largest database of hope stories in the world.
Each brick will recount a personal, specific way in which God has answered a prayer for people both now and in the past, offering a vast amount of experiences all explaining how God has come through for individuals in the midst of life’s storms.
We want to see Jesus’ miraculous and loving nature celebrated through these answered prayers and believe that the one million testimonies will ignite faith, and belief in the power of prayer, on a national level.
Twitter: @eternalwalluk
Facebook: /EternalWallUK
Faith in Europe promotes contact and visits across Europe; encourages informed discussion and debate through regular Briefings; co-operates closely with other bodies with similar concerns and a similar agenda; publicises and encourages active support of believers across Europe; keeps in advisory contact with government and non-government bodies, in co-operation with Churches Together in Britain and Ireland; and works for understanding and reconciliation between the Churches of Eastern and Western Europe.
Faith in Later Life exists to inspire and equip Christians to reach, serve and empower older people everywhere, through the local church.
Faith in Later Life is an independent Charity which started as a cross charity initiative and is supported by four Christian charities who all work with older people. With the expertise and history of our partners, Faith in Later Life can call on more than 650 years experience, and along with our partner organisations we have a shared mission to help churches and individual Christians to engage more effectively with older people.
Twitter: @FaithinLater
Facebook: /faithinlaterlife/
Founded by missionary statesman Dr. Lester Sumrall (1913–1996) in 1987 to respond to God’s challenge, “That my church in the third world does not die of hunger before I return.”
Feed The Hungry has delivered more than £156 million of food and supplies to hungry, hurting people in 92 nations around the globe.
We also respond with emergency food and relief during disasters like the Japan tsunami, Haiti earthquake, Oklahoma tornadoes, Hurricane Sandy, and Syrian crisis.
Twitter: @feedthehungryuk
Facebook: /fthuk
The Fellowship of Reconciliation is a community of people, open to all, who are inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ to oppose war and work together to build a world order based on love. We provide training and resources so that members can practise nonviolence, challenge militarism and embody reconciliation.
The Fellowship of Saint Alban and Saint Sergius is a Christian society founded in 1928 to foster contact between Christians, especially those of the Anglican and Orthodox traditions.
Membership in the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius is open to any Christian who wishes to pray and work for the deeper understanding and closer cooperation between Christians of East and West, and who is a communicant member of a recognised church.
The Focolare Movement began in Italy in 1943. Through its spirituality, which is based on the teachings of Scripture, its purpose is to work for dialogue and unity on all levels, following the inspiration of Jesus’ prayer to the Father “May they all be one”. (John 17: 12) It brings together people of all ages, backgrounds and vocations, who seek to live out the spirituality in their own families, work-places, schools, universities and so on. A small number live in community, and these Focolare houses are the centre for many activities and groups. In Britain there are Focolare community houses in Birmingham, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, London and Welwyn Garden City (Herts) which is also home to the Focolare Centre for Unity (retreat/conference centre). It is a residential centre at the service of Focolare members from all over the country, and frequently hosts weekends and other gatherings for young people, children, adults and family groups, as well as for many other groups and movements.
Twitter: @FocolareGB
Facebook: /Focolareorggb-694950137251964/timeline/
Fresh Expressions is a a growing movement of ordinary people across all denominations who are passionate about connecting with those who don’t know Jesus and forming new communities of faith with the people they meet in the places where they meet them. From new housing to rural, urban to suburban, messy church and third age to forests, coffee shops, beaches, pubs, barns, online and even church buildings!
Twitter: @freshexpression
Facebook: /freshexpression
Friends of the Holy Land, is a non-political Christian Charity supporting the Christian population of the West Bank, Gaza, Israel and Jordan, supporting them to develop a resilient and enduring Christian community.
Seventy years ago Christians made up 29% of the population of the Holy Land. Today they account for less than 2%. Without support, the Holy places of the Bible, the birthplace of Christianity, could become cultural museums with no Christian presence at all.
Living as a Christian in today’s Holy Land is challenging. Travel restrictions, water shortages, limited access to medical or social care, and poverty means many Christians emigrate if they can. In addition, there is often a psychological effect; living in the shadow of an 18 foot high separation wall cut off from their land and olive groves.
Our Objectives are: Awareness raising, Prayer, Fund Raising and Pilgrimage
Our support to the Holy Land Christians falls into four main areas: Education, Employment, Health and Housing
Twitter: @Social_FHL
Facebook: /FriendsoftheHolyLand/
The GOLD Project has developed out of more than 30 years’ experience of offering distance learning courses in the context of the UK church.
We are a community of disciples learning what it means to follow Jesus, we are committed to growing together and learning from each other as we study Gods’ word.
The GOLD Family exists to encourage GOLD Project students, leaders and supporters to connect with each other and to further the vision and mission of the GOLD Project.
Home for Good is a charity dedicated to finding a home for every child who needs one by co-ordinating and resourcing a rapidly growing network of people, churches and local movements across the UK who are raising awareness of the needs of vulnerable children and young people, inspiring individuals to explore fostering, adoption and supported lodgings and equipping churches to understand and support.
Housing Justice works across England and Wales to help churches help homeless people through training, toolkits, networks, consultancy and forums.
Twitter: @Housing_Justice
Facebook: /HousingJustice/
The Iona Community is a dispersed Christian ecumenical community working for peace and social justice, rebuilding of community and the renewal of worship. It has centres on Iona and Mull, and members throughout the UK and beyond. We share a common Rule that includes daily prayer, Bible reading, mutual accountability for our time and money, and action for justice, peace, the integrity of creation, and the deepening of ecumenical dialogue and communion.
Twitter: @ionacommunity
Facebook: /pages/The-Iona-Community/103587666210
The Irish School of Ecumenics is a community of scholars and supporters who together align the best of our minds, our experiences and our understandings to create a learning environment in which those who are inspired to make Peace and pursue Reconciliation may be as well equipped as possible to undertake that journey.
Isaiah 61 Movement launched in March 2023. Since then, Christians, Churches and Ministries around the world have set over 1000 goals to share life, faith & Jesus. The App is live on App stores and groups are journeying together. We have partnerships, resources, a video series, relational support, and we continue to give it all away for free. God is in this.
Our mission: Every Christian confidently sharing Jesus
Twitter: @i61movement
Facebook: /i61movement
JustMoney Movement is a church-based investor coalition, registered charity and membership organisation working for economic justice, human rights and environmental sustainability. Its vision is to see money used in a way that creates a fairer and more sustainable world. We run two programmes – Money Makes Change and Church Action for Tax Justice.
Twitter: @JustMoneyMvt
Facebook: /JustMoneyMvt
Established in 1920 our mission has always been to provide the best quality care and support for whoever we work with.
Today Keychange provides ten residential care communities for older people and two residential communities for homeless young people across England.
We firmly believe that providing care and support in environments where people live alongside one another can achieve the best outcomes of well-being and interdependence. We focus on developing and encouraging the community by seeking to address the risks in society of increased loneliness
Twitter: @Keychange_
Facebook: /KeychangeCharity/
We transform young people’s lives, with God’s love, through sport and support. We do this through values-driven physical education, dance, mentoring, chaplaincy in schools and community KICK Academies to impact a sense of hopelessness.
L’Arche is an ecumenical Christian community open to all who share its values and mission. Those values are rooted in our identity: we are people with and without learning disabilities sharing lives together. Mutual relationships and trust in God lie at the heart of our journey together. In celebrating the unique value of each person, we recognise our need of each other – and of relationships with local churches with which we welcome dialogue. We have ten communities in the UK.
Twitter: @LArcheUK?lang=en
Facebook: /UK.LARCHE/
The Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative is a movement of Orthodox and Evangelical Christians who wish to respect each other’s beliefs, learn from each other, and support one another as we each obey the call to share in God’s mission.
The Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative exists to provide a space and context for constructive reflection on the history of relationships between Orthodox and Evangelical Christians in order to work towards trust, understanding, shared spiritual growth, reconciliation and healing of the wounds that exist. Through this process Evangelicals and Orthodox will be mutually enriched and strengthened in their participation in the mission of God, celebrating each others’ witness to our Lord Jesus Christ as we work towards mutual respect, support and cooperation in the spirit of our Lord’s prayer for His Church in the 17th chapter of the Gospel of John.
Lifewords exists to help people from all walks of life share, experience and interact with the Bible in person, in print, and online. Through our resources and a range of programmes and projects, Lifewords worldwide ministry is all about creative ways to explore the Bible for everyone, everywhere.
We don’t want cost to be a barrier to engaging with the Bible, so we continue to make our material freely available to everyone who needs them, just as we have for 135 years. All thanks to the prayerful giving of partners and supporters whose generosity make this possible.
Find out how you can get involved at
Twitter: @LifewordsUK
Facebook: /LifewordsUK/
Linking Lives UK has emerged from a successful charity based in Wokingham Borough – The Link Visiting Scheme ( Initiated in 1998 through Woodley Baptist Church in Berkshire, Link Visiting now works in partnership with statutory and voluntary agencies and local churches around the Wokingham area. The charity has more than 180 volunteers engaging in weekly home visits for over 160 older people, and also operates a wide variety of well attended social activities and events.
In 2012, the possibility of extending the reach of the local befriending scheme to other areas of the UK began to be explored and this was assisted through a partnership with Cinnamon Network who provided advice and guidance in community franchising, as well as initial start-up funding. In 2016, the decision was made to create a new charity to develop the national initiative into the future and Linking Lives UK was registered with the Charity Commission in November 2016. (charity number 1170325)
Twitter: @LinkingLivesUK
Facebook: /LinkingLivesUK/
Mercy Ships is a global Christian charity that follows the 2,000-year-old model of Jesus to bring hope and healing to those suffering from disability, disfigurement, and disease. We deploy hospital ships and partner with African nations to transform surgical systems and provide free surgery to those most in need. We believe every person is valuable.
Twitter: @mercyshipsuk
Facebook: /mercyshipsuk
Modem is a network organisation promoting learning around leadership, management and ministry. The annual conference provides a focus: it alternates between a residential conference (often held at Sarum College) and a day conference in London or Birmingham. We attract high quality speakers who enjoy working interactively with our members: recent conferences have included senior figures in leadership and theology from the Virginia Theological Seminary, Bath, Durham, Kings College London, Roehampton and Oxford, the Baptist Union and the United Reformed Church. Modem Matters, the members’ newsletter, is published as a PDF 3-4 times per year and features news items, contributions from members and book reviews. Back issues are uploaded to the website.
The National Day of Prayer and Worship was a call to Unity, Prayer and Transformation across the British Isles.
The Tour took Dr Jonathan Oloyede and Team across many villages, towns and cities. Wembley stadium witnessed the largest unity Prayer event in a generation. Thousands of people were commissioned to be change agents.
National Estate Churches Network (NECN) supports people active in Christian ministry on social housing estates in England and Wales. We do this via a network of local groups plus conferences, estate-specific resources, helpful e-mails and social media, strategic representation and much more.
NECN is an ecumenical network, our membership includes church and community leaders and workers, clergy, residents and others who live, work and serve God on housing estates across England and Wales.
Twitter: @estatechurches
Facebook: /estatechurches
We aim to see every street in the UK covered in Christian prayer. We hope to encourage as many Christians as possible to be not only pray, but get to know their neighbours. We live in times where with the click of a mouse, we can communicate half way around the World, and yet most of us do not know our neighbours living on our own street.
Most of our streets have people who suffer from loneliness, or social exclusion; there are estimated to be 1.7 million housebound people in the UK who rarely see a relative or friend. Loneliness is epidemic across generations, whether it is single parents, people who have suffered a relationship breakdown, or even children. We believe prayer combined with Christians following the teachings of Jesus and loving their immediate neighbours, could transform our nation and help end this epidemic of loneliness.
New Creations (charity no. 1045719) is committed to providing powerful visual resources for cathedrals and churches by means of textile art. The aim is to engage visitors of all ages and backgrounds with the story of God using easily accessible artwork, with beautiful images: delighting, raising questions, and opening debate.
For over twenty years we have been touring artwork in cathedrals and churches (Anglican, Methodist and Baptist) and been in contact with many church groups at a local level.
Facebook: /revelationthreads
Oikocredit is a social impact investor and worldwide cooperative. We have over four decades of experience in promoting sustainable development through investments. We focus our investments on financial inclusion, agriculture and renewable energy.
We have been providing training and resources to equip churches since 1991 in the UK, Europe and all over the world. The purpose of our ministry is to encourage and inspire others to use puppets and other creative arts to share the Good News of Jesus. We have been made in the image of a creator God and we want to share the Gospel of Jesus creatively using puppets and in other creative ways including; Gospel Illusions, Drama, Storytelling, Ballooning and many other art forms. Puppets are an incredibly powerful way to reach and connect with children from just a few months’ old to children over a hundred years old! The truth is that anyone of any age or background can relate to and engage with puppets.
Twitter: @OneWayUK
Facebook: /OneWayUKpuppets
Operation Noah is a Christian charity working with the Church to inspire action on climate change. We work with all Christian denominations and support interfaith work on climate change. Our work is informed by the latest science on climate change, its causes, impacts and solutions. The sense of urgency we feel because of the science is balanced by our faith in God and our hope in his future for our world. We are faith-motivated, science-informed and hope-inspired.
Twitter: @OperationNoah
Facebook: /OperationNoah
In 1992, a new idea was created, it aimed to touch the lives of the young people in one city. In the 30 years since it has sparked a movement that is now active on 6 continents. That idea was the Pais Movement.
The Pais Movement utilizes Kingdom-minded methods to equip Christians in advancing God’s kingdom through experience, education, and discipleship, thereby empowering them to share their faith and ultimately make more missionaries.
Together with his wife, Lynn, Paul Clayton Gibbs pioneered the Pais Movement to equip local churches to advance the Kingdom of God with new concepts, tools, and templates that utilize ancient methods of discipleship. Our teams act as catalysts that create partnerships between schools, churches, businesses, and whole communities.
Parish Nursing Ministries UK stands as the only body in the UK where Registered Nurses can attain certification in Parish Nursing. Our primary aim is to assist churches and Christian organizations in strategizing, launching, and sustaining Parish Nursing services as integral elements of their community outreach endeavors. Once established, Parish Nursing Ministries UK extends continuous professional guidance to nurses engaged in Parish Nursing, whether on a part-time, full-time, paid, or volunteer basis.
Premier started as a London-based radio station and now, over 20 years later, is a flourishing national multi-media organisation across radio, magazines and interactive websites with on-demand video and audio.
Premier exists to enable people to put their faith at the heart of daily life and bring Christ to their communities. We support people on their faith journey and help them put their faith into action by providing spiritual nourishment and resources.
With an audience of in excess of 1.3 million every week, Premier has used its reach to be a Christian Voice across the UK, leading campaigns on important issues and providing a space where Christian organisations can share their work and experiences.
Through our 2,500 volunteers from churches throughout England and Wales, we work for the transformation of the lives of prisoners and their families. Our support comes in both practical action and through prayer. Our mission is simply stated: To show Christ’s love to prisoners by coming alongside them and supporting them.
We run ‘Sycamore Tree’ restorative justice courses, we offer ‘Angel Tree’ at Christmas (which provides presents to the children of prisoners) and we write letters to prisoners. We also assist Prison Chaplaincies in a whole variety of ways including helping to run Sunday services, bible studies, discipleship courses and providing pastoral support.
Twitter: @PFenglandwales
Facebook: /PFenglandwales/
The Quiet Garden Movement nurtures access to outdoor space for prayer, reflection and rest in a variety of settings, such as private homes, churches, schools and hospitals, and creates opportunities for people to experience silence, restfulness and contemplative practices
Twitter: @quietgardens
Facebook: /quietgardens
A UK Christian organisation helping people to explore and deepen their journey with God through retreats and spirituality.
Twitter: @RetreatsUK
Facebook: /RetreatsUK/
At Roots, we believe G.R.E.A.T church transforms lives and communities.
Growing, Relevant, Engaging, Authentic and Together.
We publish ecumenical, lectionary-based resources to help churches lead creative intergenerational worship and run engaging, biblical sessions with children, youth and under 5s.
Our writers are current practitioners who understand the joys and challenges of ministry. We publish fresh resources every two months – with weekly topical updates.
Twitter: @roots4churches
Facebook: /rootsforchurches/?ref=hl
We’re a campaign to encourage all churches to become welcoming and relevant communities for single people. We offer simple steps for church leaders to take to inspire and reach out to single people in their congregations, and provide advice to individuals on single living.
Twitter: @singlefriendlyc
Facebook: /singlefriendlychurch/
We focus on the nature and purpose of the Body of Christ, its faith and order, to foster ecumenical learning between the Church’s different traditions, to bring together practical and theological experience in different religious, cultural, social and international fields, and to extend the mutual knowledge that advances the unity of the Church and strengthens its mission. Public events and our networks for sharing studies on aspects of Church unity enable encounter between scholars, church leaders, clergy and lay people, other organisations and groups of churches at local, national and international levels.
The Society of St John Chrysostom promotes greater understanding of the spiritual, theological and liturgical traditions of Eastern Christianity, and promotes support and friendship between the Eastern Churches and those of the West:
– the Byzantine and Oriental Catholic Churches in communion with the Apostolic See of Rome (especially in their contemporary calling to promote reconciliation and the recovery of union between Catholics and Orthodox)
– the Orthodox Church
– the Oriental Orthodox Churches and
– the Church of the East.
Founded in 1926 by Latin and Eastern Catholics, it embraces friends in each Christian tradition, working with other ecumenical societies and conducting
conferences, lectures, pilgrimages and regular liturgical celebrations.
Facebook: /SocietyofSaintJohnChrysostom
We believe God has given us a dream to see an expression of his love and compassion in every community called sport from your elite club to your local health club and fitness club. The community of sport consists of 25 million men, women and children and we believe God cares for them.
As a charity, our VISION is to impact the whole of the community of Sport positively by: “Providing and supporting chaplains in every professional and amateur sport in the UK & Ireland”
To help us achieve this, our MISSION we aim: “To initiate, nurture, support and resource high-quality Christian Sports chaplaincy to the community of sport” and to “equip, challenge, and enable the Church to engage with their community called sport”.
Twitter: @sportchaplaincy
Facebook: /SportsChaplaincyUK
SCM is a movement of students, past and present, responding to the call of Jesus to follow him and show the love of God on campus, in our communities and in the world.
We come together as an ecumenical and inclusive community, fostering unity in diversity and exploring faith through worship, discussion and action.
Twitter: @SCM_Britain
Facebook: /StudentChristianMovement
Tearfund is a Christian charity which partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries. We tackle poverty and injustice through sustainable development, by responding to disasters and challenging injustice. We believe an end to extreme poverty is possible.
Thousands of people needlessly suffer and die every day because of poverty. But that’s not God’s plan for the world. And God is calling you – all of us – to reach out to people in greatest need. We partner with local churches and organisations who have a crucial role to play in the places worst affected by poverty.
Twitter: @tearfund
Facebook: /tearfund
Thirtyone:eight (formerly CCPAS) is the UK’s only independent Christian safeguarding charity. We help individuals, organisations, charities, faith and community groups to protect vulnerable people from abuse. We do this by providing a complete safeguarding solution including; a DBS service, training, policy support, consultancy, and a 24 hour helpline, making sure everyone is equipped and empowered with the tools they need. Trusted for over 40 years, we work together with a network of over 9,000 member churches and organisations nationwide to make sure that standards for safeguarding are upheld and that vulnerable people are protected. Our vision is a world where every child and adult can feel, and be, safe. Join us.
Twitter: @thirtyoneeight
Facebook: /
Together for the Common Good is a charity helping people play their part to strengthen the bonds of social trust. We believe in the sacred nature of our common humanity and that society’s wellbeing depends on rebuilding social solidarity. We are reimagining a culture that puts people, communities and relationships first.
Twitter: @T4CG
We support a nationwide network of food banks and together we provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK.
In the UK, more than 14 million people are living in poverty – including 4.5 million children. We support more than 1,200 food bank centres in the UK to provide a minimum of three days’ nutritionally-balanced emergency food to people who have been referred in crisis, as well as support to help people resolve the crises they face.
Twitter: @trusselltrust?_ga=2.215151057.797176786.1680105556-1772490713.1678830241
Facebook: /trusselltrust?_ga=2.215151057.797176786.1680105556-1772490713.1678830241
The Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, near Geneva, is the international centre for encounter, dialogue and formation of the World Council of Churches. It brings together people from diverse churches, cultures and backgrounds for ecumenical learning, academic study and personal exchange.
The UK Bossey Network consists of friends and alumni of the Ecumenical Institute of Bossey who support its work, encourage participation in Bossey and promote interest in the world-wide ecumenical movement.
We are the United Society for Partners in the Gospel. Founded in 1701, we are the Anglican mission agency that partners churches and communities worldwide in God’s mission to enliven faith, strengthen relationships, unlock potential and champion justice.
Workplace Chaplaincy Mission UK is an ecumenical membership network of 600 Workplace Chaplains from across the UK.
Our Chaplains engage with staff and communities in places like Retail and Town Centres, Arts and Entertainment, Further Education, Manufacturing and Construction, and Public, Private and Voluntary Sector organisations. Chaplains provide support and witness God’s love in action.
Chaplains may be organised in local teams or working on their own, and WCM UK supports them with training and policy advice. We share good practise and by bringing chaplains together in conferences for inspiration
WCM UK (formerly known as the Industrial Mission Association) has a history of involvement in Workplace Chaplaincy for over 50 years and receives enquiries about Workplace Chaplaincy from across the world, and from church leader and media.
Twitter: @WrkChaplaincyUK
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER – a women-led, global, ecumenical movement.
WDP England, Wales & N Ireland is part of the World Day of Prayer Movement which operates internationally to unite Christians in prayer. This is done by means of services held on the First Friday in March each year, to which all are welcome; by fostering local interdenominational prayer groups and other activities bringing women together in closer fellowship, understanding and action throughout the year; and by supporting women throughout the world with informed prayer and prayerful action. We are also able to assist financially projects run by Christian Charities throughout the world.
World in Need is a UK Christian charity that mainly partners with Churches, Christian individuals, Schools and Christian Businesses to engage in overseas practical mission projects in a passionate and relationship based way.
Since 1991, we’ve been dedicated to working with the world’s most poverty stricken people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.
Twitter: @WINUK
Facebook: /worldinneed/
World Vision believes that by working together with children, their communities, and our supporters and partners, the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children can be transformed.
Our local staff work in thousands of communities across the world to free children from fear. They live and work alongside them, their families and communities to help change the world they live in for good.
Twitter: @WorldVisionUK
Facebook: /worldvisionuk/
YMCA is the oldest and largest youth charity in the world. We transform communities so all young people truly belong, contribute and thrive.
Twitter: @YMCAEng_Wales
Facebook: /YMCAEnglandandWales/